Corporate Social Responsibility

Our corporate social-responsibility initiatives are chiefly based on education and involve many stakeholders, from our employees to the surrounding communities. The idea is to promote growth through knowledge.


In 2011, we ended the year with 13,291 employees.


Development and training

Acknowledging the importance of education and professional training, in 2011, we instead around BRL 5.1 million in scholarship grants for undergraduate, graduate, and language school, aiding, on average, 1,400 beneficiaries throughout this period, which is roughly equivalent to 11% of our staff.

We also invested in development programs, which cover courses, lectures, and conventions, led by market institutions. We have devoted 291,784 hours to such efforts, which were attended 42,421 times.

In order to develop leaders, we work closely with the Dom Cabral Foundation, where vice presidents, officers, superintendents, and managers participate in the Business Management Development Program. There are six modules that carry a credit of 104 hours. Around 150 leaders have already taken part in this initiative.

In 2011, we have invested roughly BRL 3.3 million in on-site and distance training sessions for our staff.


In 2003, we adopted the Young Apprentice Program, an initiative to encourage compliance with the Brazilian federal acts 10097 and 5598 from December 2000 and 2005, respectively. These acts changed the Brazilian labor laws and allowed employers to hire young people from ages 14 to 24. In 2011, we hired 239 apprentices in association with several institutions, the most prominent of which was Ensino Social Profissionalizante (ESPRO).

Effective Inclusion

We make tireless efforts to include people with disabilities by generating new inclusion opportunities in the job market. In 2011, we hired 169 people with disabilities and promoted 46, thus ending the year with 352, in total.

Internship Program

Created in 2009, this program aims to attract young talents to prepare them to play a role in our several departments. These young professionals undergo a stringent development program. During the first year of the program, we hired 14 young people, out of whom 13 were put on the payroll. This success made us hire 22 interns in 2011.

Customer Service School

Created in 2011, this school trains professionals that join Porto Seguro as customer service representatives. Training lasts two months and is structured around three pillars: technique, where students get key information on the products they will support; practice, which includes simulations and real calls with monitoring; education, which covers contents such as written and verbal communication skills, behavioral issues, among others, to boost professional development according to our philosophy. Since August 2011, we have hired 179 customer service representatives, out of whom 172 were put on the payroll.

Performance Management

In 2011, our performance management for leaders focused on their compliance with our philosophy and core values. For this audience, the quality of this process was enhanced with specific courses and training sessions. For other positions, we kept the same follow-up model based on ten business competencies.

In 2011, our performance management efforts, which are the basis for our personnel management model, were extended to Porto Seguro Uruguay and Itaú Auto e Residência, thus covering 84% of our eligible audience.


We understand that, currently, benefits play a key role in our employee retention efforts. This is why we consistently follow up on our staff's needs and strive to comply with the items contained in collective bargaining agreements and the applicable laws while studying new benefits and keeping the existing ones.

In this process, we must keep up to date with the best practices from other companies in the marketplace to promote our development and internal improvements in these fields.

Quality of life

We believe that employee satisfaction also happens because of quality-of-life incentives. This is why we give our employees opportunities to promote their well-being.

In 2011, 15,151 people participated in the following events of the Quality of Life Program:

Introducing Porto

For six years, we have been opening our doors twice a year so employees can bring their families and introduce them to their work environment. Several attractions for kids are organized.

June Festival

The Porto Seguro Jamboree happens every year in June. On its tenth edition, in 2011, it brought 1,922 people together, including employees, service providers, relatives, and friends. This event had traditional stands from social institutions as well as games and live concerts.


In 2011, we participated in 10 footraces with 1,750 runners, including employees and service providers. We won a trophy as the most represented staff, with over 158 applicants per race.

Porto Seguro Culture and Recreation Room

With this room, we want to foster integration, coexistence, recreation, and culture. The idea is that users not only visit the library, but also the room's shared space, where they can take fitness, yoga, and dance classes.

Currently, our Porto Seguro Culture and Recreation Room receives around 216,897 visits a year from employees and third parties that seek both cultural development and entertainment and want to check the newest products and services offered by our partners.


Our collection aims to provide our employees and service providers with educational and cultural enrichment, professional development, and entertainment in the most varied fields of knowledge. Our collection contains over 10,200 copies of books, theses, magazines, CDs, and DVDs, among others, which are available for borrowing and research. In 2011, we lent 42,656 items.

Occupational Safety and Health

This department aims to check up on the health of employees constantly with periodic physical examinations and changes in roles, among other initiatives. Besides complying with the law, we track the general health of this audience and, based on this, we develop educational campaigns oriented towards health prevention and we reduce prolonged absenteeism.

Our Occupational Safety team is in charge of analyzing the conditions where our employees discharge their duties, chiefly from an ergonomic standpoint. With these assessments, we establish improvement actions in association with Occupational Health and we work on guidelines on a correct posture during the workday, more appropriate furniture, among other things. In addition, we consider and follow up on all the incidents involving work and commuting accidents (which include the commute home, to guide employees through the precautions they must take when driving or using public transportation.

Social Service

We rely on a social service that aims to help employees in delicate situations, such as hospital admissions, death in the family, financial stress, leaves of absence, among others. We want to provide them with solutions at the corporate and government levels and help them find assistance from nongovernmental organizations that somehow support individuals.

Following up on employees on leave makes it easier to submit the documentation and prevents them from worrying about the red tape. Thus, professionals are free to take care of their health in a more objective way.

Internal-Customer Satisfaction Survey

Seven years ago, we implemented an internal-customer satisfaction survey to identify the quality of interdepartmental relations and processes. This survey is conducted every two years and is composed of two steps: building a relationship network where each department shows who would like to make an assessed and who would like to be reviewed and opening a link to respond to the survey.

In 2011, this survey was conducted with all our leaders in Brazil, who involved their teams and had them help analyze the quality of service provided by departments.

All in all, 74% of leaders participated for a total of 3,874 reviews, with an overall likeability of 74.6%. Based on the results of our survey, we will prepare action plans to exchange feedback between the departments, improve relationships and processes, expand our systemic vision, and look for quickness and the ability to solve issues during the customer service experience, with a positive reflection on internal and external customers.


In order to submit the new language of our corporate mission statement and philosophy to all our employees and help them understand and consider each sentence, throughout 2011, 129 groups attended the Cultivating Our Identity workshop, with 9,123 employees and 36,492 hours of activities.

With these workshops, which were conducted by our leaders and HR, we reaffirmed our commitment to our core values and the attitudes we expect from our professionals when doing business.


In order to make sure that the concepts of our mission statement, vision statement, and core values are incorporated into the attitudes of our leaders and employees, our Human Resources Department relies on consultants. They are experts in professional development that take action based on our HR processes to manage development projects and tools and support our leaders during their personnel management efforts.

The main sources of information for these efforts are organizational-climate and internal-customer satisfaction surveys.

All employees have access to consultants to share development issues, difficulties, and concerns, which are addressed discreetly and confidentially, as applicable.


We have a Corporate Service Provider Management Department, which aims to consolidate and control the entire service provider hiring process for all of our companies. This department also helps managers control valid agreements to ensure compliance with tax and legal mandates as well as the appropriate reduction of potential joint and several liability.


Our Volunteering Group, which, since 1998, has been bringing employees, service providers, and brokers together to promote corporate social responsibility initiatives, is one of the main drivers behind the increase in sustainability projects at Porto Seguro. In 2011, we conducted 48 projects, which relied on 1,335 participants and helped around 72,000 underprivileged people through institutions from all over Brazil, with donations, educational lectures, and recreational and quality-of-life programs.

During the month, the Volunteering Group's activities are planned and adjusted at meetings, which are held every fifteen days. Specific activities are also carried out every fifteen days, generally on Saturdays in the form of trips for the kids and senior citizens from surrounding communities, visits to shelters and partner institutions, among others.

The traditional activity that the Volunteering Group promotes every three months is the Color Jamboree, which calls on our employees, policyholders, and the general public to collect staples, such as personal-care products, nonperishable food, clothes, toys, or school supplies. The material we obtain is donated to adults and children from Campos Elíseos, the São Paulo neighborhood where we are based, or to institutions that are close to our branches in other Brazilian states. In 2011, we collected 111,621 items.


In 2011, we expanded this corporate social responsibility initiative, one of the oldest and most relevant among the activities we promote, which aims to provide at-risk individuals aged 16 to 60 from the communities around our headquarters and our branches with professional training. In addition, this initiative intends to educate them, teach them how to increase their income, and raise awareness of citizen issues.

Throughout 2011, we helped 2,578 people from several São Paulo neighborhoods, out of which 1,117 were trained in the courses we gave.

We give courses that meet the needs of several professionals, from hairdressers to administrative technicians. Upon attending the courses, students with a satisfactory performance go to the job market. In addition to the activities we carry out internally, there are third-party training sessions, which are given by the Brazilian Industry Learning Service (SENAI, acronym in Portuguese). Moreover, we also recommend working-class people from the communities surrounding our branches to Amigo do Seguro, an organization that, in association with the Brazilian School of Insurance (Funenseg, acronym in Portuguese) aims to give students professional training oriented towards the insurance business and help them get a job.

The Casa Campos Elíseos Melhor also gives arts-and-crafts classes that take from three to five months and aim to highlight and encourage such activities as well as boost income generation. Campos Elíseos residents are among the instructors of several modules, which help multiply abilities such as painting fabrics using cold porcelain and costume jewelry, among others. Once classes are over, students are invited to participate in Porto Seguro bazaars inside and outside the company where they can sell their products.

Education and Citizenship Awareness

This program, which also takes place in the Casa Campos Elíseos Melhor, is geared towards children and teenagers aged 7 to 15.

Divided into age groups, they attend several classes – dance, capoeira, drama, sports, among others – that aim to arouse their interest in the fundamentals of cooperation and citizenship through a more appealing learning experience. This includes dance, capoeira, and drama classes, among others.

Sports and Aerobics

These classes aim to develop flexibility, strength, and speed as well as facilitate social integration at the community level. This learning program is based on sports and cooperative games, which take place at the Casa Campos Elíseos Melhor court. With this successful activity, we developed a specific aerobics project for adults, which is called Ginástica na Praça and takes place at the Princesa Isabel Square.

Learning Space

This was designed to help, teach, and support students when they are doing research for homework and school projects. This aims to develop pleasurable reading habits and language skills through awareness programs to adjust students to their academic reality and help them address specific difficulties, eliminating any existing discrepancies.


These theater games encourage self-knowledge, body awareness, and improvisation through recreational games, motor coordination, breathing exercises, new uses for joints, as well as a primer on how to take and use space.

Dance and Education

This workshop works with several music rhythms, the experiences of students in school, the surrounding social issues, as well as how they look as these realities. It helps students loosen up, relax, and socialize.


Educational capoeira helps students have learning prospects and goals as well as improve their motor skills.


In the music workshop, students develop techniques and expression by approaching various genres and styles, from developing performances to improvising to learning how to play songs just by listening to them to reading and writing. Students take flute and guitar lessons.


With movie showings, our cinema workshop helps kids become aware of themselves as important beings and their personalities. It also helps their self-esteem by allowing them to be perceived as unique and original beings by their peers, which leads them to have a positive opinion of themselves and gradually improve their communication and expression capabilities.



  • Develop abstraction skills, such as the ability to identify, select, classify, analyze, and synthesize to make the learning process easier and facilitate the ability to read and understand the world;
  • Raise awareness of the need to observe, explore, and protect the environment, comprehending and producing information and realizing that humans integrate it, depend on it, and transport it;
  • Help the children expand the way they represent and express their ideas and feelings, enriching their repertoire in the fields of the visual arts, general knowledge, written and oral language, mathematics, music, nature, society, personal development, and interpersonal skills;
  • Entice students into searching for social and cultural information and making them establish and widen their social relations while respecting diversity and developing helpful and collaborative attitudes;
  • Create scenarios where students can experience and respect cultural manifestations while taking part and interest in them;
  • Suggest the physical and natural sciences as well as the humanities as a benchmark for constructing and comparing several phenomena, facts, and objectives of the world to which students belong;
  • Prepare projects throughout the year to organize and systematize knowledge more properly;
  • Encourage oral skills for children to communicate and express themselves with increasing clarity and ease;
  • Encourage the taste for reading as a form of recreation;
  • Develop the ability to read to unleash the production of oral and written texts while encouraging and improving the expressions of students in their different manifestations;
  • Encourage spontaneous writing by students and respect their mental structures from a constructivist standpoint.

Based in Paraisópolis, in São Paulo's South Side, the Associação Crescer Sempre, which we support, adopts a two-pronged approach: one that meets the needs of children from the community on-site and one where projects and actions support local public schools.

This association aids 540 kids aged 4 to 6 and tries to provide them with experiences that help them shape their personality and have a stellar performance in the new learning steps. To this end, we adopt an educational approach that favors intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development, which is guided by well-established fields of knowledge, but, at the same time, committed to interdisciplinarity and transversality.

In 2008, Associação Crescer Sempre had their first group of high-school students. For the past three years, the association has admitted 90 students, who attend classes and eat on campus. They are entitled to uniforms and teaching materials. Living in Paraisópolis is the initial criterion for enrollment. Additional requirements for applicants are an entrance examination, an interview, and a social visit.

The association engaged the services of SEB Participações S.A. to lead their academic efforts. Technology, the environment, and tutoring are key pillars in these educational efforts, which also cover issues that are raised by society, the media, researchers, and policymakers. The drive to learn, the commitment to academic pursuits, and the family's involvement will pave the way for success. The association aims to prepare students to make informed decisions on their life plans to achieve self-fulfillment. This is about providing students with intellectual and technological instruments to prepare them to play a role at work and in society.

The association works with schools on the Educational Partnership Project, which aims to invest in educational hubs in the Brazilian public education system and social-inclusion initiatives that are committed to the full protection and development of children and teenagers. To this end, the association works with academic institutions and other entities outside the school community to foster the necessary collaboration between public and private institutions and society. Their efforts revolve around decentralized and horizontal relations, collective action, and the development of programs and projects that are geared towards multisectoriality. Thus, democratic principles come to fruition, reaffirming public policies as well as cherishing and respecting school autonomy while acting on principles of social participation and critical mass.

To that effect, the association works to ensure transparency in their actions and deems organization and participation assumptions key for the decision-making process. Additionally, it seeks fairness and the common good. Programs and projects where autonomy and interdependence entail flexibility and respect for the identity of each unique individual are a reflection of the common efforts of Educational Partnership and their partners.

Partnerships in 2011

School Segment Period
Professor Homero dos Santos Fortes State School Physical Education and Education of Young People and Adults – High School From 1997 to This Day
Maria Zilda Gamba Natel State School Physical Education II and High School From 2003 to This Day
Governor Miguel Arnaes State School Physical Education I From 2009 to This Day

Cidade Portinho Seguro is a travelling area for children to learn how to respect the rules of the road in an interactive way. They can ride their bikes around a track that simulates city streets, with intersections, traffic lights, crosswalks, and other elements that can be typically found in streets and avenues. A group of characters also interacts with children by using videos, comics, and the website

In 2011, 37,841 children participated in the activities in several cities, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Natal, Campos do Jordão, Maranhão, and São Vicente.


We also supported the I Bleed for São Paulo Campaign, which took place from June 5 to 20 at Fundação Pró-Sangue stands and hospitals in the Greater São Paulo Area. Organized by ORAM – Reciclando Vidas, a Jewish organization that promotes social and rehabilitation projects in several fields, this initiative aimed to encourage blood donation and highlight how important this gesture is. ORAM's initiative was also supported by the Fundação Pró-Sangue, the São Paulo Santa Casa's Blood Center, as well as government bodies.


Contact IR

Telephone: +55 11 3813-6034


Copyright © 2011 - Porto Seguro