

Social and Environmental Awareness

Caring for future generations

Since its inception, BRMALLS has been introducing the best operational and financial practices into its malls. Over the years, BRMALLS implemented several projects that helped the environment and allowed the company to grow in a more sustainable manner. Whether through educating its customers or by adopting internal measures, BRMALLS is having an increasingly beneficial impact on its surrounding environment. Below are some of the practices that we have adopted at our malls:


We are fully aware of the impact of urban waste on our planet and the crucial importance of recycling, which is mandatory at our malls. We manage to separate the waste produced in our malls according to its type into clearly labeled individual containers located in corridors and food courts. We also ensure appropriate treatment for special types of waste, such as batteries, fluorescent lamps and oil.

Energy Savings

We focused our efforts on identifying new means of saving energy. Among these projects was the retrofit of the Water Cooling Center, which involved replacing old air conditioning machines with more efficient models that consume less energy and, as a result, help to preserve the environment. In addition, we purchased energy on the open market from small hydroelectric plants (SHPs) and small thermoelectric plants (STPs), both of which are beneficial to the environment and economically sustainable.

After the year 2014, in face of a crisis in the energy supply and distribution, besides discussions about an eventual rationing, BRMALLS focused in innovative and sustainable actions. Pursuing prevention and protection from the current scenario, these actions avoid the energy waste and guarantee the supply and optimal operation of its shopping malls.

Energy Savings Initiatives

LED Lights

Energy efficiency projects

Energy centralized monitoring

The reuse and awareness of the water usage

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