GRI Indicators Answers
1. Strategy and Analysis 
1.1 Statement of the holder of the position with highest decision-making authority, on the importance of sustainability for the organization > Message from the CEO
2. Organizational Profile
2.1 Name of the organization > Home
2.2 Principal brands, products and/or services > Group profile > ALL;
> Group profile > ALL Rail Operations;
> Group profile > Brado Logística;
> Group profile > Ritmo Logística;
> Group profile > Vetria Mineração
2.3 Operating structure, including main divisions, operating units, subsidiaries and joint ventures > Group profile > ALL
2.4 Location of organization head office Rua Emilio Bertolini, 100 - Vila Oficinas - Curitiba - PR CEP:  82920-030
2.5 Number and name of countries where the organization operates > Group profile > ALL;
> Group profile > ALL Rail Operations;
> Group profile > Brado Logística;
> Group profile > Ritmo Logística
2.6 Type and legal nature of ownership > Group profile > ALL;
> Corporate governance > Ownership and corporate structure
2.7 Markets served (including geographical breakdown, sectors served and types of customers/beneficiaries) > Group profile > ALL;
> Group profile > ALL Rail Operations;
> Group profile > Brado Logística;
> Group profile > Ritmo Logística
2.8 Size of the organization > Group profile > ALL
2.9 Principal changes during the period covered by the report in terms of size, structure or shareholding interests > Group profile > ALL Rail Operations;
> Group profile > Brado Logística;
> Corporate governance > Ownership and corporate structure
2.10 Awards received during the period covered by the report > Message from the CEO;
> Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
3. Report Parameters
Report Profile
3.1 Period covered by the report > About this report
3.2 Data from most recent report > About this report
3.3 Report issue frequency > About this report
3.4 Contact details  > Credits and Contacts
Scope and Limitations of Report
3.5 Process for definition of contents of report > About this report
3.6 Report Limitations  > About this report
3.7 Statement on any specific limitations to the scope or the boundaries of the report > About this report
3.8 Basis for preparation of the report in respect of joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased premises, outsourced operations and other organizations  > About this report
3.10 Explanation of the consequences of any restatement of information given in previous reports  No information given in previous reports was restated in 2012. The Company’s last Annual Report was published in 2007; however it did not use the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) methodology.
3.11 Significant changes compared to previous years in respect of scope, boundaries or methods of measurement used in the report. > Message from the CEO
Summary of GRI Content
3.12 Table showing location of information in the report. > GRI Index
4. Governance, Commitments and Engagement
4.1 Structure of Governance  > Corporate governance > Board of Directors;
> Corporate governance > Fiscal Council;
> Corporate governance > Committees and their duties
4.2 Indicate whether the chairman of the highest governance body is also an executive officer > Corporate governance > Board of Directors
4.3 For organizations with a unified management structure, statement of the number of independent and non-executive members of the most senior governance body  > Corporate governance > Board of Directors
4.4 Mechanisms to allow shareholders and employees to make recommendation or suggestions to the most senior governance body For the shareholders, > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders There are no ALL employee committees acting as formal representative bodies. The union undertakes all representative activities. Employees can comment on labor relations through the company’s ombudsman channel. Examples of topics relating to economic, environmental and social performance raised through these and other channels during the period covered by the report are: performance of the company, organizational climate, working conditions, investments related to the environment, salaries, and investments in general.
4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
4.15 Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders with which to engage > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders The stakeholders with which ALL engages are shareholders, customers, the government, professional bodies, suppliers, employees and the communities. No formal methodology was used to define these sections of the public.
5. Form of Management and Performance Indicators
Aspect: Economic Performance
EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the operations of the organization resulting from climate change > Group profile > Key operational and financial results
EC4 Financial assistance received from government Sudam (Amazônia Development Superintendence) offers ALL a tax incentive by way of a reduction in IRPJ (Corporate Income Tax) in return for investments in the region.  The amount involved in 2012 was R$54,346 thousand. The State Government of Mato Grosso granted a credit of R$19,200 thousand in 2012 for ICMS (Goods and Services Circulation Tax), by way of a subsidy for investment.
Aspect: Market Presence
EC6 Policies, practices and proportion of expenses with local suppliers in important operating units  > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
Aspect: Materials
EN1 Materials used, by weight and volume  > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN2 Percentage of recycled materials used > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: Energy
EN3 Consumption of direct energy, broken down by primary energy source > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN4 Consumption of indirect energy, broken down by primary energy source > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: Water
EN8 Total amount of water extracted, by source > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: Biodiversity
EN11 Location and size of area owned, leased or managed inside or adjacent to protected areas or areas outside protected areas but with a high ratio of biodiversity > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN12 Description of significant impact of activities, products or services on biodiversity in protected areas or areas outside protected areas but with a high ratio of biodiversity > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: Emissions, Effluents and Waste
EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, by weight > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN17 Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions, by weight > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN19 Emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer, by weight. > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN20 NOx, SOx and other significant atmospheric emissions, by type and weight > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN21 Total discharge of water, by quality and destination > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN22 Total weight of waste, by type and disposal method > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
EN23 Number and total volume of significant spillages > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: Products and Services
EN26 Initiatives to minimize environmental impact of products and services and extent of reduction of this impact > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: General
EN30 Total investments and expenditure on environmental protection, by type > Social and Environmental responsibility > Environmental responsibility
Aspect: Employment
LA1 Total workers by type of employment, work contract and region > People management > Profile of ALL employees
LA2 Total number and turnover rate of employees by age bracket, gender and region > People management > Profile of ALL employees
LA3 Benefits offered to full-time employees not offered to temporary or part-time employees, broken down by principal activities > People management > Profile of ALL employees
Aspect: Relationship between Workers and Governance
LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements > People management > Profile of ALL employees
LA5 Minimum advance warning period of operational changes, indicating whether this procedure is specified in collective bargaining agreements There is no minimum advance notification period to employees of significant operational changes such as restructuring, outsourcing, ceasing operations, expansion, new units, acquisitions, sales or mergers.
Aspect: Occupational health and safety
LA6 Percentage of employees represented in formal health and safety committees, consisting of managers and workers, to assist in monitoring and advising on occupational health and safety programs > People management > Health and safety at work
LA7 Rate of injuries, occupational illnesses, days lost, absenteeism and work-related deaths, by region > People management > Health and safety at work
LA8 Education, training, counseling and risk prevention and control programs in force for assisting employees, their families and members of the community with serious illnesses > People management > Health and safety at work
LA9 Matters of health and safety covered in formal agreements with unions > People management > Health and safety at work
Aspect: Training and education
LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee, broken down by functional category > People management > UniALL
LA11 Skills management and continuous learning programs to support continuing employability of staff and for career-end management. > People management > Trainee Program;
> People management > Engineer Program;
> People management > Internship Program;
> People management > UniALL
LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development assessments > People management > Profile of ALL employees
Aspect: Diversity and Equal Opportunities
LA13 Composition of groups responsible for corporate governance and breakdown of employees by category, according to gender, age bracket, minorities and other diversity-related indicators > People management > Profile of ALL employees
Aspect: Investment Practices and Purchase Procedures
HR1 Percentage and total number of significant investments containing clauses referring to human rights, or which have been submitted to human rights assessment > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
HR2 Percentage of companies hired and critical suppliers submitted to evaluation in respect of human rights, and measures taken > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
Aspect: Non-discrimination
HR4 Total number of cases of discrimination and measures taken > Corporate governance > Code of ethics
Aspect: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
HR5 Operations identified where the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and measures taken in support of this right ALL has no operations where the right of employees to exercise freedom of association or collective bargaining is at risk. In this respect, all the Collective Labor Agreements include a unionization clause.
Aspect: Child labor
HR6 Operations identified with significant risk of occurrence of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the abolition of child labor > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
Aspect: Forced Labor or Labor Analogous to Slavery
HR7 Operations identified with significant risk of occurrence of forced labor or labor analogous to slavery, and measures taken to contribute to the abolition of forced labor and labor analogous to slavery > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders
Aspect: Community
SO1 Nature, scope and effectiveness of any programs or practices intended to assess and manage the impact of operations on the community, including set-up, operation and close-down > Social and Environmental responsibility > Social responsibility
Aspect: Corruption
SO2 Percentage and total number of business units submitted to risk assessments related to corruption > Corporate governance > Code of ethics
SO3 Percentage of employees trained in the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures > Corporate governance > Code of ethics
SO4 Measures taken in response to cases of corruption > Corporate governance > Code of ethics
Aspect: Public Policies
SO5 Position on public policy and participation in preparation of public policy and lobbies. > Corporate governance >Relationship with stakeholders ALL does not take any formal position in formulating public policy, and does not take part in activities related to the formation of lobbies. The ANTF (National Association of Rail Transport) represents ALL and the other rail concessionaires. During 2012, the matters most frequently discussed related to the New Regulatory Framework for the railways in Brazil, published in 2011.
SO6 Total value of financial and cash contributions to political parties, politicians or related institutions, broken down by country No financial contributions were made to political parties, politicians or related institutions in 2012.  Law 9504/97, article 24, forbids parties or candidates to receive direct or indirect donations in cash, or which can be valued in terms of cash, including by means of any type of publicity, from:
I – foreign entities or governments;
II – direct or indirect government bodies or foundations supported by government funds;
III – public services concessionaires or permit-holders.

Aspect: Unfair Competition
SO7 Total number of court actions for unfair competition, cartels and monopoly trading, and their results There were no court actions for unfair competition, cartels or monopoly trading in 2012.
Aspect: Compliance
SO8 Monetary amount of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations With the except of environmental fines, there were no fines for non-compliance with laws or regulations in 2012.
Aspect: Labeling of Products and Services
PR5 Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring this satisfaction > Corporate governance > Relationship with stakeholders